one girl’s perspective on life, neopaganism, veganism, politics, books, films, and… stuff.

Posts tagged ‘neopagan’

Sacred Art: Om Mani Padme Hum

Hallo all, welcome to the latest belated update from the laziest blogger in town! I actually painted these quite some time ago, but somehow forgot to photograph them. The mandala patterns in the centre come from a copyright-free book of designs, and the process of drawing/painting them is extremely meditative in itself.

The phrase om mani padme hum is probably the most popular Buddhist chant used for meditation. The actual meaning of the phrase is complicated and multi-faceted, so I will refer you to this website for its meaning.

All together now:

Om Mani Padme Hum











Stay tuned for my series of chakra paintings!

Samhain 2013 Altar

An overview:

Samhain 2013 Altar

Close up:

Samhain 2013 Altar Close

Lit by candlelight:

Samhain 2013 Altar candle

Bonus pretty candlelight shot:

Samhain Altar Candlelit bonus

Anyone curious about what’s actually on the altar, let me know!

Sacred Art: The Sabbats (Series), Part 2

Welcome to the second installment of pretty watercolour pictures of the Wiccan Sabbats (see part one here)! Sorry for the delay, I’ve been rather busy ‘IRL’, dealing with the horrific administrative clusterfuck that is tertiary education in this state/country.

1. Lughnasadh

Sabbat Painting Lughnasadh

2. Ostara

Sabbat Painting Ostara

3. Samhain – one of my personal favourites, I’m very pleased with the skull!

Sabbat Painting Samhain

4. Yule

Sabbat Painting Yule

I’ve already started another mini-series of watercolours, revolving around mandala designs and the meditative chant Om ma ni padme hum. Stay tuned!

Sacred Art: The Sabbats (series)

I’ve completed another ‘series’ of watercolour paintings, this time depicting each of the Sabbats. They’re roughly based on the Sabbat cards from my oracle card deck, although rather more detailed!

Here are the first 4, plus the Wheel of the Year poster I also did;

1. Wheel of the Year

Sabbat Painting WotY

2. Beltaine

Sabbat Painting Beltaine

3. Imbolg

Sabbat Painting Imbolg

4. Litha

Sabbat Painting Litha

5. Mabon

Sabbat Painting Mabon

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this post!

Sacred Art: Green Tara and The Morrighan

Yet another installment in my “Goddess” series of paintings, using watercolours on cheap canvas.

The first painting draws upon Hindu lore, and depicts the Green Tara, along with her mantra in Sanskrit at the top (Om tare tuttare ture soha);

Green Tara painting

This one one I actually did specifically as a present for my sister, though keeping it to myself was awfully tempting. It’s a very “pretty” version of the Irish war Goddess The Morrighan, and the skulls are painted silver;

Morrighan painting

And here’s a bonus “symbolism painting” I did (it’s rather basic), depicting the ‘sunset’ of Christianity and the ‘sunrise’ of Earth-based worship;

Pagan painting 001

‘Magick in Daily Life’ Oracle Deck – Coloured!

As you have probably seen, I started designing and creating my own oracle cards around the idea of NeoPaganism in daily life; here are the black and white versions. I actually finished this a long time ago, I just have been so slack with blogging that I hadn’t uploaded the pictures; here they are, including some close-ups of my favourite cards.

Oracle Cards - Coloured

My favourite cards, in no particular order:

Card - Nature

Card - Ostara

Card - Mabon

Card - Cycle of Life and Death

Stay tuned for more NeoPagan art, and a tonne of photographs!

Altars Past and Present

Sorry for yet another long hiatus. Life has been both busy and complex, as is generally the way. I am trying!

So I was going through some old computer files and found several of my old altars (2003-2005). Here’s a look at some of my altars over the years, along with my current set-up; from small and hidden in a cupboard to an entire devoted altar room!

2003 Overview
Altar 2003

2003 Close Up
Altar 2003 Close

2004 Overview
Altar 2004

2004 Close Up
Altar 2004 Close

2005 Overview
Altar 2005

2005 Close Up
Altar 2005 Close

And now to the near-present! September 2012 Altar Room
September altar room

September 2012 Altar
September altar

November 2012 Altar
Altar Nov 2012

November 2012 Altar Candle-lit
Altar candlelit

Join me next time for some artsy photographs of snow, and the finished product of my oracle card deck!

Playing with Watercolour Pencils

As part of my being unemployed, I’ve been seeking creative ways to fill my time. One of those ways is via painting, and my next manuscript book – a prayer book. I’ve been using both canvas and watercolour paper, with pretty awesome results;

1. Celtic Tree of Life (Canvas)

2. Aragorn and Arwen’s Coronation (Watercolour paper)

3. Eowyn at Edoras (Watercolour paper)

Oracle Deck; Magick in Daily Life (original design)

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been designing my own set of divination/oracle cards. They are thematically based on the idea of daily NeoPagan practice, and the “essential” elements of NeoWicca. There are 44 cards altogether, and I’ve now finished the initial inking for all of them;

Cards 1-10

Cards 11-20

Cards 21-30

Cards 31-40

Cards 41-44

Stay tuned; I’m colouring these in now, and pictures of the finished cards will soon follow.

Sacred Art; The Goddess/Heroine Scathach

Another watercolour pencil, Sharpie and pen illustration on canvas, of my other patron Goddess, Scathach.

I’ve also started working on my own set of divination/oracle cards. The deck is based on the theme of “Daily NeoPagan Practice” and has 44 cards in it. I’ve included a preview of the first 10 cards, in the initial inking stage;

Stay tuned for more artsy stuff – I’ve also finished the initial inking of my Book of Shadows, and have a bit more colouring to do before completion. I’m thinking about photographing the entire thing and uploading it here as a .zip folder – any thoughts?